Make the most of your December downtime
For many of us, December means a lighter travel schedule and the opportunity to catch up on a few things before the new year hits.
At Exhibitors Connection, we are in the unique spot of working with clients at many different events. While every company and event is unique, there are definitely a few issues that seem to consistently cause event managers recurring concern.If any of these points are causing you pain, December may be the right time to tackle them and align your plans for 2019:
- Booth staff training – Don’t worry, you’re not alone if booth staff training is a never-ending challenge. It’s an area that’s top of mind for many event managers because of its importance but that often gets shortchanged when schedules get tight. Take a little time to think about the past year and what parts of your staffing might benefit from a new or refined approach. Ask your team for their input about what would make them feel best prepared. Then chart your 2019 show training schedule with a mix of on-site training in advance of show open as well as pre-event communications via online training in the weeks prior.
- Measurement – From measuring return to objectively assessing the value of different events, measurement is a valuable tool that can help drive educated decision making in 2019 and beyond. Consider in-booth surveys to capture important attendee feedback and gauge how attendees are responding to – and remembering – your experience. Conduct an at-show focus group of key customers to better understand what drives value for them. Look for ways to capture objective data that you can use to enhance — and improve — your event experience.
- Your professional growth – With the never-ending demands of an events job, it’s easy to overlook professional growth. Look outside of your own experience and expertise to see how others are moving the dial. This can mean anything from checking out what the competition is up to via show floor assessment to reaching outside of your industry for best practices – and the newest innovations – in other fields and industries. Network with LinkedIn contacts you’ve made to start a conversation and look for a mentor that can help you chart a path to career growth.
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Get The Top 5 Tips For Doing A Successful Tradeshow Or Event
Exhibitors Connection specializes in creating an on-site, event team of Brand Ambassadors that will best represent your brand, your company and be a natural extension of your team. Let us know if we can help you pick the right event support team for your next event, 773-631-9465.